Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2015 #6: Lying Awake by Mark Salzman

TITLE: Lying Awake
AUTHOR: Mark Salzman
Year: Vintage ppbk ed, 2001
Pages: 181
RATING: 4/5 stars

This is a beautifully written book that is ultimately sensitive and perceptive about the cloistered life. Yet, as much as it *is* about a nun, it is not. Salzman lets the universal truths of our humanity blossom throughout the book, without being preachy or cliché. Sister John of the Cross's waking dreams are the key not just for the protagonist, but for the reader as well. The end did seem to be abrupt, in terms of narrative flow, but it is one instance where the lack of conclusion seemed apt. A good read for anyone who is devoted to a passion and has crafted a life around that passion.

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