Sunday, May 5, 2024

2024 #18 Ysabel (Kay)


YsabelYsabel by Guy Gavriel Kay
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is honestly a 3.5, maybe 3.75 for me. There's a lot to like here, including the 15 year old protagonist, Ned. Ned's dad is a famous photographer, and while "on location" in Provence, he meets Kate, an unusually forthright teenage girl with an encyclopedic knowledge/interest in history. After they both meet a creepy and curious presence in a cathedral, things start to develop rather quickly. Both Kate and Ned are NOT overwritten and therefore a lot more likeable than most teenage protagonists.

The plot? Well that gets a bit tough to follow in places. There's concerted effort to anchor the story in Celtic and Roman lore, and while the information is helpful and authentic, it sometimes presents itself as boring pontification. The author does well with characters who are neither good nor evil, but instead straddle some sort of invisible moral line that operates outside the sphere of normal life.

The book ended too quickly for me. I could have used a little less of the repartée between everyone at the pool and a bit more time with certain characters: in particular Ned's mother and aunt, as well as his phenomenal uncle. While she is the title character, Ysabel does not get a whole lot of air time, and it is frustrating at the end when all is revealed with a nice neat bow. I needed a bit more of "why" and "how", and I certainly did not see any reason for Melanie's behavior. I get that she was "under-the-influence" (as was Kate), but it felt like a rushed attempt at suggesting a coming of age story for Ned--not needed. We never do get the whole story about Aunt Kim, and that ends up being a tad frustrating.

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